



Austin Evan's life was working out exactly as he planned -- better in fact! As the star quarterback, he was looking forward to a one-way ticket straight to the top of the Pros. Celebrity status was well within his reach.

He had a great family, was a Rockstar on the field, and was coasting through senior year until he could make it to the big leagues. He was on top of the world!

And then life threw a curveball that smashed clear through all of those plans and every dream he'd ever had. Would he be able to hold true to who he was, or would he fall victim to a pair of dreamy eyes and the taste of excitement they held?

If you've ever struggled with feelings of despair and regret or felt as if everything you've ever worked for has fallen through, then you'll love The Evans Brothers: Austin. This book will renew your trust in faith and the power of family love.

Will Austin be able to maintain enough willpower to still have the life he's dreamed of or will he let the weight of tragedy destroy any chance of happiness his future could hold? Click the BUY NOW button at the top and find out today.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 41 Pages
  • File Size: 1,375 KB

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