




USA Today Bestselling author Tonya Kappes brings you southern and quirky characters in her mystery series. Her stories are charged with humor, friendship, family and life in small southern towns.

REALTOR Chelsea O'Connell is found dead in a model home of the new development in Normal. She was not popular in the small tourist town located in the Daniel Boone National Park because the last thing this town wants is for more development to come in to take away anymore of the forest. Detective Hank Sharp has his own hands full instead of worrying about his girlfriend Mae West and her nosey set of friend, The Laundry Club Ladies, now that he found out cuts are coming the Normal Sheriff's department.

Rumors are swirling around about the Sheriff's department doing some outsourcing and Hank's job is one of them. Mae finds herself at a crossroads, does she put on her sleuthing cap to help out a friend who is the number one suspect on Hank's list, or does she let Hank solve the murder by himself so he can prove how valuable his position is to the department?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 178 Pages
  • File Size: 1,752 KB

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