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Second part of a riveting trilogy set in the closing years of the nineteenth pharaonic dynasty

While Seti sets out to celebrate his triumph, Tawosret struggles to suppress her budding feelings for Bay. This gets even more difficult when she finds out that they are reciprocated. With Seti standing between them, the secret lovers have to bide their time. Finally, the path to their much longed-for happiness becomes clear, and together they rule the Two Lands on behalf of young Siptah, who has succeeded his grandfather on the throne.
However, the nature of their relationship is a thorn in the side of many a great one at court, as is the growing extent of Bay's power and influence. The arising tensions threaten to undermine Siptah's already shaky position more than once. On a domestic level, all is not perfect bliss, either. In particular, Tawosret finds it increasingly hard to cope with her as yet unfulfilled desire for another child. But her emotional turmoil pales into insignificance when a storm is brewing that is bound to plunge the Two Lands into chaos yet again.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 304 Pages
  • File Size: 1,087 KB

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