



A Necromancer hasn't been seen in over a generation, and nobody knows why.


Lyra just wants a quiet life.

A life where she can survive, do her job, and not be bothered by the outside world.

But ever since she raised her brother from the dead, she's been stalked by a Demon of immense power.

A Demon who holds her life in his hands. A Demon who could kill her with a touch, if he so chooses. A Demon who can switch bodies with merely a thought, who can change himself into her deepest desires or her darkest nightmares.

Lyra belongs to him now. Whenever he chooses, he comes to her and steals from her soul, and in exchange, she gets to stay alive.

She can never be rid of him, her necromancy calling out to him whenever she dares to attempt it. A beacon in his world, showing her exact location and her exact powers.

And if her necromancy doesn't draw him in, she would be a beacon to much, much worse.

And much worse is brewing, and other magical forces in the world want to pull her into the middle of the apocalypse.


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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 352 Pages
  • File Size: 2,607 KB

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