



Welcome to the third book of the successful White Wolf's Way.

"I am not perfect. I just think that imperfections are beautiful" - Lady Gaga

"Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure" - Bob Marley

"Now is the time to embrace "the gifts of imperfection and discover who you really are" - Brene Brown

With these guiding concepts, we examine the battle of the white wolf vs the black wolf. Each of us have both forces inside of us. Society has taught us to pursue I life of instant gratification and external approval.

The façade of a perfect invulnerable lifestyle. The type of life as portrayed by people on social media. This is a constantly unfulfilling race to be the best and own the newest material possessions. Why? To give ourselves tangible instant rewards on our own pursuit of perfection.

Vulnerabilities are stamped out of us at an early age by society and various external parties. Usually, it is only in our later years that the myth of invulnerability is exposed. At this point the journey begins to find our own strenght and vulnerabilities.

Everyone can remember the silent weird kid who never fitted in at school. That kid was the smart one who was prepared to be vulnerable. It is now ironic that this is what we all truly seeking.

This is no ordinary self-help book. It is designed to show the conflicts of invulnerability, vulnerability, perfection and imperfection. I am guessing that the universe is asking and guiding you to find answers to the above questions. Are you willing to trust the process?

As previous readers of the first two books are aware of and come to realize that there truly is a white wolf inside of us. The White Wolf's way is our north star which guides us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually

My final thoughts are that I thank you for your courage and bravery to take this voyage into your self. To find the answers to the important questions that matter to you. It is now your turn to take the lessons and interpret them and find your own White Wolf Way.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 47 Pages
  • File Size: 3,936 KB

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