



NEW to the Peridale series? This book is the PERFECT jumping in point!

The neighbourhood watch leader has been murdered...

With Julia South-Brown enjoying her newborn daughter's every milestone safe in her cosy cottage, and with maternity leave cutting her off from the rumour mill of her café, she doesn't realise just how much local news and gossip she's missed. Between a wave of break-ins and thefts, Peridale isn't quite the safe little village she remembers.

But when the leader of Peridale's Eyes, the local neighbourhood watch group, meets her end on the same day Julia's neighbour Leah's house is broken into and robbed, Julia finds herself pulled back into the familiar world of clues, suspects, and motives - not to mention her gran's rival neighbourhood watch group.

Dot South knows this is her moment to shine. For years, she's been dreaming of starting a neighbourhood watch group of her own. Now, with a murder on her doorstep and a bunch of hapless amateurs bungling every attempt at solving it, who better to form and lead a newer, better version of Peridale's Eyes?

Or should she say... Dot's Detectives?

A FUN British village cosy/cozy mystery packed with HEART, HUMOUR, FAMILY DRAMA, and plenty of TWISTS and TURNS! The 22nd book in the BESTSELLING Peridale Cafe Cozy Mystery Series. Standalone but will be enjoyed more as part of the series. A cat loving and cafe-owning amateur female sleuth set in a small village setting with quirky characters. No cliffhanger, swearing, gore or graphic scenes.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 342 Pages
  • File Size: 1,964 KB

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