



In The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook, you'll find the simple, straightforward resources and tools you need to identify common pests of edible gardens and manage them without the use of synthetic chemical pesticides.

Climate change and newly introduced insect pests are changing the world of gardening. Pests that once produced a single generation per year are now producing two or even three, and accidentally imported pest insects have no natural predators to keep them in check. These leaf-munching critters can cause significant damage in short order, reducing your yields and costing you time and money, especially if your garden is out of balance or your plants are stressed and vulnerable.

Whether you're a new or seasoned gardener, author and garden pro Susan Mulvihill shows you how to handle pest issues by growing healthier plants, properly identifying the culprit, and nurturing the overall ecosystem of the garden. With easy-to-use charts, you'll learn how to identify common vegetable garden pests based on both the damage they cause and their physical appearance.

DIY pest-control projects, coupled with up-to-date info on the best natural products, physical pest-control tricks, and tips for managing pests with the use of traps and barriers, all lead to a garden where beneficial insects and pollinators are preserved while pest populations are kept in check.

Learn how to:

• Get rid of squash bugs with minimal effort

• Screen out root maggots

• Keep cutworms at bay

• Nurture the good bugs that help control tomato hornworms

• Tackle an infestation of mites, thrips, or whiteflies

• Send cucumber beetles packing

• Limit cabbage worms with a simple, inexpensive trick

• Learn about the best earth-friendly product controls for home vegetable gardeners

Identifying and controlling common vegetable garden pests has never been a favorite task of gardeners, but with Susan's help, positive results are easier than you think!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 461 Pages
  • File Size: 36,485 KB

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