



She only wants me for my body. I just wish she hadn't used it that way.

I found where the Devil keeps his pets, and now I have one of my own.

Every morning I wake up screaming, knowing I'll be killed each day.

The wolves were disappearing from the Alaskan wilderness, and I discovered what they were being turned into.

Have you met the only demon in heaven?

Over 50 unique and chilling horror stories include haunted houses, gothic Hellscapes, murderous psychopaths, human experiments, alien abductions, alternate dimensions, mind-warping drugs, terrifying paranormal encounters, and so much more.

What are you afraid of?

Look at the cover and click 'Look Inside' to read the first story for free.

Grab SLEEPLESS NIGHTS now and stay awake all night with the lights on.

"I loved being freaked out of my mind."

"Enjoyable in that spine-tingling kind of way."

"Every last story in here is thrilling and terrifying and fantastic."

"Be prepared to read until crazy o'clock in the wee hours."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 298 Pages
  • File Size: 2,710 KB

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