



Anyone can survive working remotely for 30 days with some decent internet and a great batch of coffee. The pandemic proved this to us. It also forced many blue and white collar jobs to go remote overnight and many of us did not have the time to stop and reflect on what we really needed to thrive in this new way of working. As the ripple effect of the pandemic continues to lead us to remote and hybrid work, we need to be actively aware of our well-being needs.

Through my book titled, "How To Thrive In Remote Working Environments", I am going to show you why and how we can thrive remotely for an entire career. If you are a remote or hybrid worker looking to improve your life in your life, this book is for you. It's time to make remote and hybrid work all it should be.

Early Review: "I wish I had some of these skills that Ryan discusses at the beginning of our lockdown. Ryan gives practical advice in working remotely, from having a set place to do the work that is separate from other daily activities to planning your day to take care of what is important and needed." - Remote Teacher, Germany
"I really enjoyed reading about the 5-step Energy Amplifier Blueprint."

• A remote teacher from Quebec, Canada

"This book will definitely help many people step up their remote working game!"

• A remote teacher from Macau

"This book is great."

• A remote designer from Slovenia

"There couldn't be a more perfect time for Ryan's new book. The relevance and timeliness is spot on where many of us are continuing to adapt to a work at home environment."

• A remote teacher from Nova Scotia

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 1, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 88 Pages
  • File Size: 3,106 KB

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