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I've trusted nature spirits with my life, until the storm king decided I had to die.

Did you ever wonder what living on the streets of Berlin is like? My name is Rika and I've been homeless for eight years. It's not too bad, since I've got salamanders to warm me in winter and dryads to protect me from stragglers. People say I'm crazy, because to everyone else, those nature spirits are invisible. But they're real. Real and dangerous, as I learn when I accidentally cross the plans of the Erlking, an ancient and hate-filled spirit. Now he and his deadly storm are after me.
My only chance are the Spirit Seekers, an elite group of soldiers trained to battle nature's wrath. Since their precious commander is missing in action, they need me to be their eyes. Signing up with the Spirit Seekers is the opposite of run and hide, but they offer me protection and the tools to fight for my survival. All I have to do is betray my old spirit friends and try not to die.

Join Rika and the Spirit Seekers in this action-packed stormy urban fantasy adventure and start your supernatural trip to Europe today!

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  • We started tracking this book on October 8, 2021.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 273 Pages
  • File Size: 4,879 KB

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