



Picking up a hitchhiker can be a risky business. It can also be just a kind stranger that needs help, but if you're unlucky, it can be just someone like James Waybern Hall, the Hitchhiker from Hell. Learn more about the life of this serial killer and his heinous crimes!

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James Waybern Hall isn't quite as well known as some other mass murderers, but his crimes are just as heinous. Waybern picked most of his victims at random out on the open road. His method was simple: he would smile, raise a thumb into the air, and see if he could catch a ride. Before too long, this amiable hitchhiker led a trail of death and destruction in his wake. Although it is unclear just how many people he killed, it was on charges of murdering his second wife Fayrene Hall, that this killer would finally be brought to justice. In this book, we will closely chronicle all of the dastardly doings of this little-known serial killer.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 71 Pages
  • File Size: 2,969 KB

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