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When one-time teenage lovers Jack Lewis and Carly Hughes bump into one another, they don't expect to see each other again, but their fleeting encounter makes a lasting impression on them both. Jack and Carly each assume that, in the years they have spent apart, life has been kinder to the other than it has to themselves. An assumption that could not be further from the truth. While Jack is haunted by the tragedy that caused him to swap a successful career in journalism for teaching, dealing with yet another failed relationship and residing in his grandmother's spare room, Carly, having dropped out of university to care for her dying mother, has given up on her hopes and dreams and is slowly suffocating in a loveless relationship whilst feeling duty-bound to look after her boyfriend's ailing mother. When Carly's hours at her place of work are reduced due to budget cuts, she finds herself enrolling in an evening creative writing class, simply as a means of keeping out of the house. Little does she expect, though, that the teacher of the class will turn out to be one Jack Lewis. With their paths unexpectedly crossing again comes the beginning of a friendship, with friendship soon blossoming into something more. However, with the realities of adult life now prevalent, will Jack and Carly be brave enough to start their lives over together, or will the demands and responsibilities of adulthood continue to hold them back?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 376 Pages
  • File Size: 373 KB

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