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Civilization has finally reached the breaking point. Thirty-six hours have passed since the EMP was detonated, and in that short amount of time, the nation has been transformed -- the survivors of the initial attack scramble for food, water, and medical supplies. With thousands already dead, the death toll will continue to rise in the coming days.


The thin thread holding the civilized world together has been severed. Millions of citizens have been thrust into the unknown, breeding fear into the minds and souls of those seeking to survive. Wren Burton, an architect from Chicago, has been engulfed by the chaotic aftermath of an EMP blast. Her family is injured. The enemy is unknown. And help is nowhere to be found.

The Coldest Night

During the coldest winter on record, an EMP sends American back into the Stone Age. Jack and his family find sanctuary in their cabin in a small, remote town, hidden deep in the forest. Little does Jack know the Blizzard will be the least of his problems.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 648 Pages
  • File Size: 1,083 KB

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