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After finding his werespider boyfriend, Crimson Apocalypse, faking his own death, and running across the country in the most amazingly ridiculous van, it's all clear skies and white sand for Jasper Craig. Finally.

Jasper and Crimson have made a new home for themselves in California, complete with a Santa Monica apartment and a new favorite bar. Jasper gets a job with Crimson's werespider niece at a paranormal investigation agency called Lunar Investigations. His past as a Hunter is coming in handy at LI and his new team becomes new friends.

But it's not all summer sun for Jasper and Crimson. They haven't left all of their problems behind them, as much as they might wish. Crimson is being Drawn, pulled by a red thread of fate towards another Hunter. Cecilia Folami (a collector of rare species) and Regan Knightly (a vampire hungry for vengeance) have teamed up to find them.

With their past quickly catching up to them, will Jasper and Crimson stay one step ahead? Will the Draw prove to be too tempting to ignore?

Only The Good Die Young is the third book in the MM urban fantasy 'The Hunter and The Spider' series.

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  • We started tracking this book on August 24, 2021.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 376 Pages
  • File Size: 1,657 KB

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