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Side Chicks Catch Feelings Too


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Every game of love doesn't have a winner. Who will lose?

For years, Camisha Atkins has been a team player for the one man she refuses to give up on -- even if there's already someone else rooting for him on the sidelines. Willing to put up a fight, no matter the size of the ring, Camisha soon comes to the realization that she's tired of being a good sport and ready to hang up her boxing gloves. Or is she? One woman doesn't stop any show. Well, at least, in Camisha's book. She makes the rules; all she asks is for them to be followed.

She's been competing for the number one spot in Cameron Dargan's life for quite some time now, but is number two all that she'll ever be? Maybe to Mr. Dargan, a married man with single man tendencies, who wants to have his cake and eat it too.

When he first laid eyes on Camisha, the fact that he was ten years her senior didn't mean a thing. She was his guilty pleasure, the life of his boring party. His older needs met her younger wants, and there wasn't anything he wasn't ready to risk. His marriage to the hottest interior designer in the city included.

But... everything that glitters isn't gold, and the good is bound to turn bad.

Nothing lasts forever.
Relationships end and so do lives.
The question is... whose?

Come along for this twisted triangle of sex, side chicks, and secrets.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 121 Pages
  • File Size: 2,076 KB

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