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Dotty's friend stumbles over a dead body in the graveyard.
This sparks off another delightful cozy mystery for Dotty and her friends to get their teeth into.
Poor Katherine, the victim, was a good Christian and active member of the local community who loved helping others, so who would want her dead?
Could it be anything to do with the inheritance money?
What was Katherine's secret that nobody knew about?
When Dotty starts investigating, she finds out that Katherine's life wasn't all it seemed. The closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous her life becomes.
What will Dotty unearth?

Dotty Dances with the Devil is book 8 in the Dotty Drinkwater Mystery series but can be read as a standalone.
What other readers are saying -
"Fantastic book. Can't for the next one."
"Another fun cozy mystery in the Dotty Drinkwater Mystery series."
"The twists and turns in Dotty Dances with the Devil kept me glued to the story until the very last page."

Great for fans of Jeanne M Dams and Margaret Mayhew.
Grab your copy now.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 20, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 210 Pages
  • File Size: 1,408 KB

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