



Humorously told with hilarious personal anecdotes and real-life stories that shed light on the eccentric things that go on behind closed hospital doors, Deadish is a delightful blend of dark humor and absurdism that celebrates the medical world while poking fun at hospital bureaucracy.

Rife with interneccine warfare of office politics, medical misadventures, and stories told after one too many drinks, you'll follow the lives of Ashley and Chris, two junior surgeons at Serenity Hospital, as they struggle with domineering management, awkward patient encounters, and unintentionally amusing events that make you want to laugh out loud.

As the pair fight to save their patients - and sometimes their own lives - they reveal the real human connections behind every story that give profound meaning to their hard work and sacrifice!

As a must-read potential patients, nurses, doctors, and anybody who wants to have a laugh as they gain a deeper insight into what goes on inside hospitals, Deadish is an absurd and hillarious read that uses black comedy to uncover the authentic stories of the medical world.

Scroll up, grab your copy and join the hospital-madness today!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 385 Pages
  • File Size: 1,660 KB

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