



Why does the Bible compare salvation to birth? Jesus referred to salvation as being "born again" when He was teaching Nicodemus. The Lord helps us understand spiritual rebirth by comparing it to physical birth.

Conception, pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and the newborn all have parallels in the spiritual transformation of being born again. This unique Christian devotional explores the truths of this beautiful analogy in 40 devotions. This devotional is a blessing not only to expecting parents but also to others who want a deeper scriptural understanding of the New Birth.

For expectant couples, pregnancy is a fantastic time to evaluate your spiritual walk as you contemplate the challenges of childbirth and parenthood. Start your spiritual preparation and journey by examining what the Bible says about pregnancy and birth.

Each devotion has a thought of the day to give you inspirations for prayer, spiritual growth, and practical information for childbirth preparation from a Certified Nurse-Midwife. The softcover book also includes a space to write your notes and prayers after each devotion. Full-color illustrations make this devotional a lovely keepsake. Order one today for yourself or for gift-giving!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 101 Pages
  • File Size: 119,468 KB

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