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The Church Of Forsaken Angels
are responsible for multiple church shootings and other anti-religious hate crimes in the United States. When their leader, Samuel befriends Evelyn and her children, he immediately seeks to make them a part of his family.

But Evelyn is soon revealed to embody everything Samuel hates. She is an abusive religious fanatic, leaving her children traumatized by her wrath and fearing for their lives. She has no idea that he and his followers are responsible for the shootings they keep hearing about on the news.

Each member of the cult has been harmed by religion and rescued by Samuel in some way. This brings each member to believe in the violent life of crime they chose. The only thing that Evelyn has in common with the cult is believing their madness is for the best.

Are her children better off with Evelyn and her self-righteous rage? Or are they better off with Samuel and his close family of dangerous killers? Who do Evelyn's children become under these crazy circumstances? Does anybody make it out of this alive?...

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 19, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 317 Pages
  • File Size: 8,849 KB

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