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Fleece, Navi, Dead: Book #16 in the Kiki Lowenstein Mystery Series

by (Spot On Publishing)

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The BIGGEST Kiki book yet!
Introducing the Miss Fits, ordinary women who do extra-ordinary things!

Every holiday season, Kiki Lowenstein plans 12 days of classes, her Holiday Craft Extravaganza. And every year, it nearly kills her.

This year is no exception. As the holiday season approaches, Kiki over-schedules herself and winds up running herself ragged. To make life even more stressful, she must fend off a stalker, a man determined to possess the object of his affection. But that's only one problem.

Kiki's ace full-time employee, Clancy, has HUGE decisions to make. How do you put aside your hurt and disappointment when you've been betrayed? Why should you upend your whole life because of another person's mistake? Is it selfish to think of yourself first? As Clancy ponders questions, Kiki stands on the sidelines, knowing this is not her choice to make. And yet... Kiki feels Clancy's agony.

Meanwhile, both of Kiki's older kids are having problems with teachers. Kiki wonders, "At what point does being an involved parent tip over into being a helicopter parent?" There's also a staff shortage that leaves Kiki in the lurch, both at home and at the store. Kiki might have found an answer to that dilemma when a mysterious woman applies for a job. Her name is Nona, and she claims to be an old friend of an old friend. But is she?

Nona seems too good to be true. Sadly, that might be the least of Kiki's problems with the woman. Because Nona isn't what she seems to be. Nona is a Miss Fit.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 31, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 376 Pages
  • File Size: 1,879 KB

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