



Oh Baby, Baby, How Was I Supposed To Know...
Is Love ever perfect? Or is it an obsession that remains rather than just a passing phase? And who's to say that Revenge isn't, in fact, a dish best served hot from the flames of passion?

Fifteen writers tell us about affairs of the heart - some with humour, some with a darker intent, and others that are never quite exactly what they seem. Is it all about manipulation? Can there be more than one agenda? And does Love really conquer all, even when it's supposedly blind? Or maybe Love is just an old Devil, looking for mischief?

Hitchcock may well have said Dial M for Murder, but we say Dial C for Crime, extension L for Love.

Featuring material from:
Steve Sneyd, Ange Morrissey, James Roth, Michael Wiley, Gustavo Bondoni, Matthew Wilson, Peter W. J. Hayes, Wil A. Emerson, Brandon Barrows, Bern Sy Moss, Michael Anthony Dioguardi, Russell Richardson, Robert Petyo, Sam Westcott, Bryn Fortey and Vicky LaPerso - all of whom take us on roller coaster rides through a fictional Tunnel of Love.

So, while the jury's always going to be out regarding Love's guilt or innocence, we hope you'll find something or someone that you immediately like, as well as something that takes you out of your comfort zone - and puts you into a new one.

And in the spirit of the Murderous Ink Press motto: You never know what you like until you read it.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 31, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 259 Pages
  • File Size: 3,985 KB

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