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THE HAUNTS OF MEN: "It happened so unexpectedly, so abruptly, that she forgot to scream... "A woman watches a regiment of soldiers trample her garden as war comes to her front door in "The God of Battles." Three soldiers trade shots across the river and discover a common bond in "Pickets." A Union officer finds unexpected aid and unintentional betrayal in "Smith's Battery." A forgotten lover in disguise is a witness to tragedy in "Collector of the Port." A timid art student has his horizons broadened when he seeks a bit of experience in the Latin Quarter in "Another Good Man."These stories and many others represent Robert W. Chambers at the beginning of his career, when -- some would say -- he was at the height of his storytelling powers. Here are tales that range from the Revolutionary War to the artist salons of Paris, and from a small upstate village in New York to the Alpine mountains of Europe. Tales of love and loss, of sacrifice and madness; comic tales of the Bohemian art world and grim stories of life during wartime. Also included are seven additional stories from The King in Yellow, The Maker of Moons and Barbarians, further glimpses into the hearts and minds of men.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 21, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 437 Pages
  • File Size: 876 KB

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