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Imagine having the confidence to lead in any situation... no matter who is in the room.
Discover how to grow and leverage your confidence as a powerful tool! Experience the exhilaration of communicating with executive presence, no longer allowing intimidation or fear to hold you back, and advancing your career on your terms.

Jamie Dandar McKinney brings her edgy humor, real life examples, and practical exercises to crush your insecurities, quiet the voices of judgment, and empower yourself and other women around you to boldly Speak Up, Sister!

"Jamie Dandar McKinney is an irresistible powerhouse: a bottomless well of advice on beating the tricky, frustrating workplace dynamics and subtle setbacks so many women still contend with. Whether you're stymied by toxic office politics or just want to score equal time in team meetings, Speak Up, Sister! is a practical handbook for changing the game and having your say. Like its inspiring author, this book is feisty, fearless, disarmingly direct, and empowering. It belongs in the briefcase of every woman on her way up the power ladder. Speak Up, Sister! is a winner!" -- Tom Farmer, Former CNN Executive Producer

"Speak Up, Sister! is a wonderful real-world example of how we, as women in the workplace, can practice confidence and excel within a sometimes man-heavy world. Jamie has helped me notice moments when I have room for improvement while simultaneously filling me up with the confidence I need to leap into being a workplace Shero!" -- Brandi Zak, Operations Area Manager, Amazon

Jamie Dandar McKinney, MBA, is a professional coach, keynote speaker, certified virtual presenter, and author. As the President and Founder of Jamie Empowers, Inc., ( she is fully immersed in her mission to empower women to ditch doubts, speak up and achieve the careers they deserve and desire.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 22, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 298 Pages
  • File Size: 3,189 KB

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