



Tales of the First Age is a collection of stories which occur in the First Age of Esfah, before Nekarthis the Worldbreaker nearly fractured the planet with his attempts at godhood during the Magestorm Wars. This omnibus contains five publications:

Rise & Fall of the Obsidian Grotto: War comes to Esfah! When lava elf forces attempt to drive the dwarves out of Valis, the dwarven offensive drives them back. But when the Grotto makes a dark pact with an ancient monster, a new wave of terror falls across the region and neither elf nor dwarf is safe!

Cast of Fate: When the coral elves defeat their lava elf enemies and take control of the volcanic Karakto, a lava elf babe is found among the survivors on the battlefield -- a child of destiny who is adopted by the coral elf ruler. Can nature overcome nurture?

Army of the Dead: The dwarven Warlord Adelric, weary from the Battle of Wakefield Plain, returns to his home in Dehnlee searching for solace from the horrors of war. Suddenly thrust into a new conflict with an evil wizard, Adelric faces his toughest opponent yet: one who can revive the dead.

Tome of the Tarvanehl and
Heart of Stone and Flame are the earliest two works in this series and are also included.

In the mid 1990s D&D ruled the fantasy gaming landscape and Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, and many other books and gaming worlds were a part of. In 1995 it's publisher, TSR, created Esfah and Dragon Dice, an award winning fantasy game. The Esfah Sagas is that word's tale.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 789 Pages
  • File Size: 5,196 KB

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