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Surviving the Night (Hidden Keys Book 1)


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Somehow, they just really needed to disappear without leaving a trace of their presence behind and that simply wasn't all that easy to do anymore.

It's the middle of the twenty-third century and while there have been staggering technological and environmental advances, human nature is still very much the same as it has always been. One woman unexpectedly finds herself thrust into the middle of a long simmering struggle between power, greed, and an overwhelming effort to keep long hidden secrets buried.

Luckily she isn't on her own. A childhood friend that she hasn't seen in years is proving once again that he can be trusted even as they just barely avoid one near miss after another.

Worse, they're on the run but have no idea who they are running from... at least not yet.

Hidden Keys is a series of short stories, each revealing key pieces of information that are not always obvious to Ava Sullivan and Harper Riley as they do everything they can to identify her pursuers, find the answers about why they are after Ava, and somehow stay alive after surviving the first attempt on her life only days after her father's death.

The Hidden Keys Short Story series is filled with long hidden secrets, puzzling questions, and unexpected surprises. If you enjoy Short Reads... quick to read short stories, slightly entangled and complicated relationships, and a puzzling mystery that needs to be unraveled... Hidden Keys may be the series for you.

This is part one of the Hidden Keys short story series that is best read in sequence.

Coming soon... Part two... First Clues.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 25 Pages
  • File Size: 2,979 KB

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