



There are two all-powerful forces that hold control over the real world. Each can cast their spell:

• di·a·bo·lus ex ma·chi·na /?d???b?l?s ?eks ?mäk?n?/ (noun) an unexpected new event, character, ability, or object introduced to drastically worsen the situation for the protagonists or significantly improve conditions for the villains, often as a dramatic plot device.

• de·us ex ma·chi·na /?d??s ?eks ?mäk?n?/ (noun) an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device.

And the world moves as such!

The cutthroat Victorian odyssey! Brawler, a fearsome warrior known throughout the land, not just for his impressive battle skills but also for his shameless go-happy ways, finds himself and friends in a remarkable crossfire between mafiosos seeking retribution against the royal family and the looming corruption of the kingdom itself. It's in this corrupt kingdom where he meets the Silas Family, a ragtag team of Conquerors who prophesize a global war is about to commence. The Silas Family are the apple of his eye, Conquerors he admires, and perhaps, the last hope to make it through the collapse of Rosebell.

Truly, truly, this epic of the king is only beginning...

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 616 Pages
  • File Size: 4,170 KB

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