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The Shack by the Bay (Love Stories by the Bay)


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A story that is much more than a romance novel. The Shack by the Bay has the ability to remind us of what is important in life and provide a wonderful insight into Australian history. (Chapter Ichi)

An isolated fishing shack on a beautiful bay in the Whitsundays provides Luke with a retreat where he can find peace and solitude. However, the discovery of family war relics, and a developing relationship with the beautiful Lily, connects family histories and reveals a story that threatens to destroy his chance at real happiness.

Will the wartime secrets prove to be the breaking point for a beautiful romance or can two families put the deeds of the past behind them?

Romantic and purely Australian, The Shack by the Bay captures the pristine beauty of the Whitsundays and the wartime memories of older Australians while introducing an eclectic blend of friends and family.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 448 Pages
  • File Size: 3,202 KB

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