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Hand painted children's book from the ultimate donut fan.

A tasty story that is sprinkled with a lesson about being kind to others. Sprinkled with Kindness tells of donut friends that learn it is more important to be kind than to have perfect glaze and frosting. Sprink, the messiest donut in the shop, isn't as careful as the other donuts. Her sprinkles get everywhere! Darla teaches the Golden-Brown Rule to the plush pastries so they treat others as they would like to be treated. In the end, the donuts realize that customers love them for who they are, regardless if they have an extra sprinkle or two stuck to them.

Read Benjamin's 1st book, It's the Dough Inside that Matters, available on Amazon.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 42 Pages
  • File Size: 29,076 KB

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