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Two weeks ago, all Fara wanted was to earn enough tips to pay rent. Now, she is stuck in another world, surrounded by a Team who learned to throw daggers before tying their shoes. Oh, and she can open portals to other universes with her mind. With sexy agent Hanlon being held prisoner and Barrington Park closing in, Fara knows that she can't go home until she learns to control her new ability. She'll need the Team's help. But is going home what she really wants?

Two weeks ago, all Blu wanted was to restore democracy to her world. Now, she knows the threat from Jurisdiction extends beyond the boundaries of her universe. On the one hand, she has a double from a parallel universe. On the other, a double agent hiding in her own Team. To make things even more complicated, Jurisdiction's Second Counselor, Jyston, won't leave her alone. Is he actually trying to help, or laying an elaborate trap?

Two weeks ago, neither woman knew the other existed. Now, Blu and Fara must work together to protect the ones they love.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 316 Pages
  • File Size: 4,285 KB

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