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A new-age story about forgiveness, first loves, and starting over.

When Owen Chase left his hometown of Cape Charles, Virginia five years ago, he didn't give it a second thought. How could he when every time he thought of the beautiful coastal town with its sandy beaches and frothy waters, he thought of the heartache he left behind?

Some would call him a coward for running away from his problems, but he didn't care. Moving to New York was one of the best choices Owen could have made for himself. He's thriving, living the dream as a successful graphic designer with a phenomenal loft in the center of Manhattan that most would kill for.

Then why does it feel as if something is missing?

No, not something...


The one person he's tried to forget about for years.

Now that his sister and best friend have had a baby together, Owen has to return home and face his past. Will he finally right all of his wrongs, or is it too late?

trigger warning: cheating

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 126 Pages
  • File Size: 709 KB

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