



Do you view disruption as a beneficial, positive part of life?

When our lives are disrupted, they can't continue in the usual way. It is all too easy to continue living in this world by merely keeping in step with the culture. Living a status quo life just like everyone else. Everywhere we turn we hear messages telling us to exalt ourselves, follow our hearts, and worship the idols of money and sex, or whatever else we think will make us "happy." It is counterintuitive to die to ourselves, to take up our crosses, and to renounce our wills and sinful desires in favor of God's will.

Dr. Scott Hamiltonis a prominentpsychologist and a coach, teacher, husband, father, and grandfather. From his wealth of clinical, ministerial, and family experience comes disruptive insight into the human need for rest, reflection, and regeneration in a time when anxiety, concern, and fear permeate the contemporary culture.

In this relatable book, you'll learn:

• What it means to disrupt your life and why it's beneficial

• The value of living in the present moment

• How to utilize a disruptive pause

• How to keep God at the center of personal reflection

• Why you need to intentionally seek renewal and regeneration

• How to pursue refreshment in a chaotic life

Jesus laid out a counter-cultural way of life for believers. Following Christ is inherently disruptive! As believers, we will be at odds with the world because we march to the beat of a different drummer. Embrace Disruptive Christian Leadership through rest, reflection, and regenerationand turn the world upside down.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 35 Pages
  • File Size: 1,102 KB

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