



They thought the superflu that was attacking the nation was bad until they realized the state-mandated vaccine was worse!

Joshua Miller is not what you would call "a nice guy." Having served fifteen years of a life sentence for multiple homicides during a bank robbery "gone wrong", he finds his freedom following a state-mandated vaccine which is supposed to eradicate the new superflu is flawed and ends up turning people into blood-hungry beasts. During his escape from the prison, he promises a friend that he will find their daughter and keep her safe.

Worrying about the creatures as well as being recognized as a convict, Joshua makes his way to Seattle to track down the girl. But when he finds her, will he be able to keep her safe in this new reality?

The Deliverance is a fast-paced, post-apocalyptic adventure in Servidio's Agents of Tomorrow science fiction series. If you are a fan of imaginative encounters, realistic landscapes, and well developed characters, you will love this hauntingly real story.

Buy The Deliverance today!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 95 Pages
  • File Size: 1,842 KB

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