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Things I know: my little brother is a dumbass who will in fact get me killed one day. He's done a very bad thing, and when I find out what exactly it is he's been up to, there's only one person I can go to: Bryce. My on and off again lover is just about the only man I could ever depend on, and it seems that hasn't changed, even if we haven't talked in months. Things are a little messy between us now, but when his boss gets involved and I have to make a deal with his rivals, mafia twins Valentina and Don Giovenni, the situation only gets stickier.

Now I owe both sides a vague IOU I might not want to cash, and my brother is nowhere to be found doing God only knows what. I've always tried to fly under the radar, but now that the Giovenni twins have decided they like what they see, they're bound and determined to entangle me in their own brand of twisted courtship. The worst part? My body, the treacherous hussy, is absolutely on board, no matter how hard I should want to kick and scream against it.

This series is planned as a trilogy, with Kitchen Table Polyam + Why Choose dynamics-the heroine gets multiple partners who will be emotionally involved, even if not romantically involved with each other. It is MFFM, meaning there is an FF relationship. This book is a dark mafia-esque style book: reader's discretion is advised.

You can find a detailed list of content and trigger warnings on my GoodReads, or through my site. For best reading expereince: in app, dark mode is suggested.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 298 Pages
  • File Size: 2,804 KB

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