



Collects Darth Vader (2015) #1-25, Darth Vader Annual (2015) #1, Star Wars: Vader Down (2015) #1, Star Wars (2015) #13-14.

One of the greatest antagonists in all of fiction rises again! Fresh from a stinging defeat at the hands of the Rebel Alliance, Darth Vader must reassert the Empire's iron grip on the galaxy. But will his personal desire for vengeance against the young Jedi who destroyed the Death Star distract from Vader's duty to the Emperor? As a fateful quest begins, the Dark Lord of the Sith will face fresh threats to his power. And as other villains old and new play their part -- from Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt to diabolical debutant Doctor Aphra and the killer droids Triple-Zero and BeeTee-One -- will Vader's imperial march continue, or will his schemes prove his undoing?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 715 Pages
  • File Size: 1,816,142 KB

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