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What is your soul worth? Money? Fame? Success? Freedom? A donut?

When Franz Legrand accidentally started a career as a Private Investigator, he thought he'd solve a few crimes and make a few bucks. But when a suicide case leads him into a contract (And a passionate kiss) with the Devil, he finds himself with some unexpected, and perhaps unwanted, new powers.

Lucian, the Devil's incarnate, can't help but be drawn to the young detective. Their chance encounter quickly snowballs into an unlikely partnership as Lucian takes Franz under his wing and teaches him how to control his new abilities. Lucian knows he'll never have Franz's soul, but that doesn't stop him from trying to claim his heart!

Devil in the Details is a Male/Male Dark Paranormal Mystery series, filled with sarcasm, humor, and romance. Fans of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, who always wished Watson and Sherlock would just admit that they like each other already, and those who love a little bit of Enemies to Lovers banter, will love Devil in the Details!

Originally released as Devil in the Details by T.L. Dasha, but has since been completely rewritten from the ground up, with additional chapters, characters, and stories.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 197 Pages
  • File Size: 1,043 KB

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