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Snow This is Love (Snowed in Emerald Ridge)

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Hudson Row has watched Maritza Alba for years. Crushed hard on her from afar; some might say stalked. But he stupidly kept his distance thinking maybe she and his brother were more than the best friends they claimed to be.

Now that his brother's with someone else, he knows better. He needs to make a move and claim the woman who's owned him heart and soul from the moment he laid eyes on her.

A phone call and a snowstorm give him the opportunity to do just that. If it's up to Hudson, he'll have Maritza melting before the snow does.

Things may be cold outside, but in here, they're just starting to heat up.

Mother Nature's last hurrah is a snowstorm that knocks out the power to half the mountain. Everything in Emerald Ridge has grounded to a halt. Everybody is stuck -- with their neighbor, their enemy, their secret crush...

This spring, we're snowed in at Emerald Ridge. Good thing there are plenty of hot kisses to keep us warm on these cold days.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 56 Pages
  • File Size: 1,608 KB

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