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Hell hath no fury like an Ironwood scorned. Charlotte might be forced to work with Reeve Greatdrakes again, but that doesn't mean she's going to pretend to like it.

'Trash and Treasure' is book one of the new spin-off series in the best-selling 'Fae Universe,' featuring everyone's favorite supernatural hunting family, the Ironwoods.

Morrigan's incursion of Ireland might have been stopped, but her escaped general, the Battle Bard, Aneirin, isn't going to take defeat lightly.

As the family magician, Charlotte is tasked to hunt down the general so that they can remove the threat of him once and for all. There's only one problem... she's expected to work with Reeve Greatdrakes, trash magician, and the man that broke her heart without even realizing it.

Her new brother Prince Kian makes her a deal: find Aneirin with Reeve, and she gets to go and study with the legendary fae mages. It's an offer that Charlotte can't refuse, even if she has to suck up her pride and hurt feelings to do it. No problem, right?

Reeve Greatdrakes has been wondering for five years what he did to Charlotte to make her burn their friendship. Reeve will do everything he can to make amends and win Charlotte over again. There's also the small matter of a dragon curse lurking in the Greatdrakes family, and it knows a treasure when it sees it. It wants Charlotte, and Reeve can't fight it anymore.

The Ironwoods, the Fae, and the Greatdrakes are going to have to work together to stop Aneirin from releasing the other two generals into the world. It's a good thing for the world they are family and have no choice but to play nice.

Perfect for fans of K.F. Breene, Linsey Hall, and C.N. Crawford, this series follows all of the Ironwood sisters as they get into all kinds of trouble, slay their enemies, and find true love.

'Trash and Treasure' is an adult paranormal romance that contains graphic violence, swearing, and sex scenes.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 237 Pages
  • File Size: 2,768 KB

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