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For someone named Lucky, it seems his luck is anything but.

Lucky O'Brien's ready to pop the question. He's been in love with Vanessa Pompeo for as long as he can remember, and probably long before that. As best friends first, their journey to moving past friendship was a bit rocky, but once the truth came out -- that these two were meant for each other and possibly the last two people to realize it -- they've been smooth sailing ever since.
So proposing to Nessa should be a piece of cake, right?
Pffft. For someone named Lucky, it seems his luck is anything but.
Things keep going wrong right as Lucky's about to get down on one knee, and after the third attempt, he starts to question if maybe fate has other plans for the two of them.
But with the help of Nessa's sister and best friends, Lucky might be able to pull off the proposal of a lifetime -- or fall flat on his face... again.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 112 Pages
  • File Size: 2,910 KB

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