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Get back your financial power and freely access humanity's greatest gift - CREDIT!

Nothing hurts more than being in dire need of cash just for your loan application to be declined. When you can't access credit, your safety net is taken away, and you live anxiously, desperately hoping that you don't come across an emergency - but that's in the deep spectrum of impossible.

So the question here is, what does it take to repair credit on your own?

Is it even possible in the first place?

YES, very possible, and this book will show you how.

The Mechanics of Credit Repair: How to Fix Your Credit Yourself will guide you through fixing your creditworthiness so that you can acquire those competitive loan rates, get your hands on the best credit cards and work your way toward living debt-free.

In this guide, you will find:

-An in-depth look at credit scores and creditworthiness so that you can know what you're working with

-A step-by-step guide for removing inaccuracies and erroneous information from your credit report

-How to write effective dispute letters (sample letters included)

-The benefits of having a good credit

-The three credit bureaus and what each deals with

-What a FICO Score is and how it's calculated

-How and where to get your credit report

-Deciphering every part of your credit report

-And so much more!

The earlier you fix your credit, the better, so the best time is NOW!

Get your copy today!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: February 26, 2022
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 82 Pages
  • File Size: 913 KB

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