



The complete Samantha Moon Origins trilogy of vampire mysteries, including:


Samantha Moon hadn't always been a vampire.

Once, she had been a wife and mother, happily married to her soul mate and raising two adorable kids.

She had also been a federal agent investigating a world teeming with sophisticated scams, drugs, human trafficking and violence.

She had hippie parents and a caring sister. She had a small home with an irritatingly detached garage. She had friends, colleagues and normalcy.

That is, until she caught the eye of something evil...

But first, she had a job to do...

When her HUD team of federal agents is sent in as backup on a drug raid, she spots a mysterious business card on the fridge. Later, she finds the same card during a routine inspection.

Convinced the narcotics traffickers are more widespread than initially thought and are taking advantage of those in need, Sam can't let it go.

Even after the gang tries to send her a message written in blood.

Yes, her days at the Department of Housing and Urban Development are typically boring, her worst fear, a paper cut, but little does she know that she has attracted the attention of something dark and hungry.

Something that's about to steal her mortal life... and change her forever.


Coping with being attacked and left for dead isn't easy, but Samantha Moon is grateful that she survived...

Until she suspects she didn't. Well, not in the traditional sense.

Vanishing from mirrors is only the first of a series of bizarre events that defies explanation, even to her trained investigative mind.

A severe allergy to the sun, seeing in the dark, and an inability to eat food that isn't blood.

Of course, it's not all bad...

Years have fallen off her face, her hair is perfect, her senses are honed, and (assuming she hasn't gone crazy) she's as strong as five men.

It's all too much to process, so she does the only thing that makes any sense: tries to go back to work.

A huge hat, shades, and half a bottle of the strongest sunscreen later, she's back out inspecting properties with her partner Chad.

Her first day, she suspects a HUD recipient of having undeclared income. Determined to cling to the career she worked so hard for, Sam traces the money back to small-time arms dealers selling big-time weapons.

Everything seems to be routine until her sluggish reflexes get someone shot.

In the end, Samantha faces a more insidious and dangerous enemy than an apocalyptic militia group with military hardware: Daytime.


Whoever heard of a vampire with a day job?

It's been a few months since Samantha Moon's not-quite-storybook life took a sudden and tragic turn, sending her kicking and screaming into undeath.

Despite clear evidence of a deeper, supernatural reality, she tries to cling as much as possible to the routine she knows even as her marriage and career disintegrate before her eyes.

When her procedural suspension from HUD ends surprisingly without termination, she accepts reinstatement against her better judgment.

Unfortunately, it soon becomes abundantly clear that she's become highly incompatible with early mornings.

What's a vampire to do when she has bills to pay and kids to feed? Go into business for herself.

Sam makes a go of private investigation, but clients are scarce; that is, until she finds a case no other PI dares to touch: A woman who believes something paranormal is responsible for her son's disappearance.

And it looks like she might be right.

Luckily, new vampire and private eye, Samantha Moon, is on the case.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 720 Pages
  • File Size: 4,060 KB

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