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Empire Eternal: Blazing Galaxy


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Korbin Allister is gone! And whoever took him also took the Watcher and Anon.

Meanwhile, the conflict with the Reavers only escalates in his absence. World after world vanishes in flames while the defenders of the galaxy come to terms with reality. The mighty fleets of the Seven are powerless against the swarms. Humanity and the Vorrans have proven themselves. The advanced mech suits seem to be the only viable weapon against the endless Reaver swarms.

So, as the factions struggle against the Reavers, conflict finds those closest to Korbin. His friends and family have to solve the problems without the young leader. And just as the rest of the galaxy unites against their common enemy, slaver ships of the Jevani make their way to Eloir. But the humans and the Vorrans have a surprise for the slavers.

The question remains, where is Korbin Allister? Find out in the season finale of Empire Eternal.

The new edition should have fewer grammar issues, and I apologize for the hasty version.

Enjoy the ride!


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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 412 Pages
  • File Size: 2,702 KB

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