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Guns and Love: Reloaded

by (B. Love Publications)

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Onyx, Draco, Milo, and their leading ladies are back on the scene. People always say there's a calm before the storm...
Each household will soon find that statement isn't too far from the truth.

Adjusting as parents to a newborn and a fresh marriage while raising their son, has become challenging for Onyx and Sparrow. When the past comes ushering in secrets, their marriage is threatened and what they know as love may come to an end.

Newlyweds and on a high, Draco and River's ultimate goal is to love each other more than they did the day before. Things are rocky in life, but the love they share trumps any problems that arise -- or so it seems. What it looks like on the surface is surely not what lies beneath. Though they are madly in love, will betrayal, secrets, and deceit break what they have built over the years?

Milo and Kimora are settled in their home planning a wedding all while awaiting the arrival of their baby boy. Bed ridden and lonely, Kimora finds herself looking for trouble. Love is tested but when the ultimate hurt is felt, will there be enough love to keep their hearts bound to one another?

With strong bonds, life throws in obstacles. Will each couple survive, or will the hurdles be too heavy to cross? Take a ride with the crew and see how Guns and Love is reloaded.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 6, 2022
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 272 Pages
  • File Size: 6,975 KB

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