




"Camille Dan's latest work, 'Gathering at the Doorway: An Anthology of Signs, Visits, and Messages from the Afterlife' is an impressive array of true stories by authors and after-death communication experts."--Mark Anthony, JD, Psychic Explorer/ Psychic Lawyer®, Bestselling Author of "Never Letting Go", "Evidence of Eternity" and "The Afterlife Frequency"

"This book is about Life - both the life that we see and experience, and the life that continues beyond death... This amazing book helps us by showing us a kaleidoscope of love - our love for each other, and God's divine and everlasting love for us."--Kimberly Meredith, Renowned Medical Intuitive, Healer, Speaker, Author of "Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul's Path to Healing"

"I highly recommend Camille Dan's wonderful book 'Gathering at the Doorway'... Thank you, Camille, for assembling this anthology of personal experiences that convey so much knowledge, hope, peace, joy, and meaning."--Mark Pitstick MA, DC, Bestselling Author, of "Soul Proof", "Radiant Wellness",

"A comprehensive illustration and collection of profound transformational experiences. A true validation of the multi-dimensional, expanded consciousness that is accessible to all. 'Gathering at the Doorway' opens up endless pathways for any seeker to be left with inspiration and an enriched outlook on the nature of consciousness."--Jacob Cooper, LCSW, Near-Death Experiencer, and Bestselling Author of "Life After Breath"

Camille Dan's latest work is an anthology of chapters by a group of over 40 authors worldwide that include accounts of personal experiences, scientific research, and photographic evidence of survival of consciousness and afterlife communication. This book is a collection of stories written by authors from nearly every continent around the world who come from various backgrounds, ages, walks of life, beliefs, cultures, practices, stories and histories, grieving and losses, and all share something special in common: signs and messages from loved ones across the veil.

With forewords from renowned world leaders, Suzanne Giesemann, Sandra Champlain, Robert Ginsberg, and Leslie Dan, Camille compiled chapters written by first-time authors and author experts in the fields of mediumship, afterlife communication, and survival of consciousness studies, and spirituality, Dr. Sonia Rinaldi, Dr. Piero Calvi-Parisetti, Dr. Mark Pitstick, Sherry Gallant The Wellness Medium, Medium Lisa Wilcoxson, Medium Healer Lisa Snyder, Helping Parents Heal co-founders Elizabeth Boisson and Mark Ireland, and many more, that together illustrate a common connection we all have with spirit.

In her chapter, Camille continues the story of her spiritual awakening that she started in her previous book, "Aaron's Energy: An Unexpected Journey Through Grief and the Afterlife With My Brilliant Son", 1st and 2nd Editions also available on Amazon, in paperback, Kindle, and Audible.

Earnings from sales of this book go to mental health and addiction research and care programs, bereavement support services, Helping Parents Heal, survival of consciousness and afterlife communication research, youth and young adult social development programs, and Forever Family Foundation.

This book has religious and supernatural content.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 452 Pages
  • File Size: 22,130 KB

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