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When dependable Savannah attends her best friend's wedding, the last thing she expects is an adrenaline filled weekend. Pulling a teenager from a burning car should have been the peak of intensity, but resisting the charms of one ex-military best man tests her willpower at every turn. Setting aside her self-imposed rules, she braves his offer for a fun, scorching hot, no-strings attached arrangement, but soon learns not all rules are meant to be broken.

Austin spent his whole life swearing off women, but meddling friends, late night heart-to-hearts, and undeniable heat with one fearless maid of honor have him questioning his life choices. Just when he thinks he might be ready to turn over a new leaf, occupational hazards present the harsh reminder of why he swore off women to begin with.

He's never cowered at risking his life, but will he be courageous enough to risk his heart?

Protecting Her Heart is a steamy romance with a dollop of suspense intended for mature audiences. It features a swoony hero, a heroine finding a way to her dreams, and a group of well-meaning meddling friends. It stands alone with no cheating or cliffhangers.

TW: Death of loved ones described.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 402 Pages
  • File Size: 1,898 KB

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