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Chosen Children (The Great Generation Book 1)


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Her whole life she believed it was only a fable -- a ghost story to teach children lessons about greed and darkness. But it had all been true. And the truth was that in six months, the world would begin its descent into death. The fate of the universe would rest in the hands of five eighteen-year-olds -- untrained, unprepared, and desperately searching for an adult to take over.

Accompanied by her moody brother-in-law as the only family she had left, Aella found herself in the great clan of Rhaelyn in the year of the Sun. Stuck in the home of Eddington Ryder, Rhaelyn's social outcast, and his neurotic nephew, Carrick, Aella loathed everything about her new living conditions and the absurd arrogance Rhaelyn held. The first chance she got, she was going to leave... until Summer Solstice changed everything. Not only for her but also for Carrick.

Finding himself in the forced position of sharing his home with two Murnad refugees, Carrick's main concern was not letting either of them destroy the social standing he'd worked so hard to obtain. Those from Murnad weren't at the same level as Rhaelyn. Not even close. Or at least that's what he thought right up until the first time he saw what she could do. Then he was forced to think through everything he'd been taught in order to understand if it had all been lies.

And it had been.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 429 Pages

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