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The Space Bender: The Chronicles of Alexander


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Trevor Alexander is a brilliant young scientist and inventor, working on the theory of interstellar travel by grabbing a point in space and bending it until it's close enough for a ship to move into; when released, the ship is free to work in that area. Put simply, space could be bent.
He would be rich beyond his dreams and the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for Physics. Until an odd stranger shows up and tells him his invention is tearing apart dimensions and putting countless lives in danger. After Trevor sabotages his dream, the stranger leads him on a series of adventures across several dimensions. Fighting what he calls Wookie Pigs, being chased by dragons, defeating vampires, finding a talking dog, and falling in love with a beautiful elf princess. All the time, Trevor Alexander finds he is growing as a hero.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 184 Pages

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