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Dr. Adam Markham was diagnosed with an incurable cancer. He only had a few months to live when he was offered the opportunity to participate in a scientific study being conducted by a top research company. If the study was a success he would be cured of his cancer and his body would approach genetic perfection. If unsuccessful he would die. He felt it was worth the risk since he would die in a few months anyway. What he didn't expect is that the suspended animation would last for years. When he awakened he was cured of his cancer and thanks to genetic engineering had been gifted with genetic upgrades. Unfortunately while he slept WW III had ended civilization. Now Adam must leave the scientific facility where he had slept for so many years. He would have to face many dangers he never imagined. With only an implanted A.I. and a wolf dog for company can he survive?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 145 Pages
  • File Size: 1,706 KB

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