



Something sinister's afoot in Windy Ridge...

When my mole-rat boss (and I do mean that literal like) goes missing, I'm pretty sure something wicked this way already came.

Because Dorcas isn't the type to miss a shift at the diner, let alone missing three danged days!

So, when Sheriff Dean and I go looking for her, and we find her trailer all topsy-turvy, the writing is pretty much on the wall. Dorcas has been mole-rat napped!

Not only that, but the singular clue left in the pile that used to be her trailer is a stone arm -- one that's as animated as Dr. Frankenstein's creature.

Only problem? That animated arm's got no mouth so he can't tell us what happened.

Things only go from strange to stranger when I discover a lost dog in the cemetery. Come to find out, that lost dog is the answer to everything that's happened.

Throw in the facts that my fangs have been hunkering for Sheriff Dean's jugular, and Sicily's pa decides to make a grand entrance into our lives, and my life's just about as dramatic as one of them daytime sitcoms.

It's times like this that I wish alcohol still had an impact on my vampire physiology 'cause if this ain't a good enough reason for a shot o' moonshine, I don't know what is!

Gut Rot and Gargoyles is the third book in the Trailer Park Vampire series of Paranormal Women's Fiction novels. This series is jam-packed with critters, creatures, rednecks, romance, and down home country fun.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 229 Pages
  • File Size: 614 KB

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