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Something Wicked: Monster Between the Sheets


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Screaming Woods, where the monster dwell... and love goes to die.

Or at least it feels that way. Because finding love isn't easy when you're green. Thanks to a mad scientist and his potion spiked punch, I'm a lovely shade of chartreuse and my scary reputation for being obsessed with sparkly shoes proceeds me.

I'd given up on love until my dark knight literally rode in on a big, black horse. The spark was instantly there, the only thing missing -- his head.

For once, someone saw me as more than the Wicked Witch, but that might have something to do with him being headless after sundown.

The Headless Horseman could be the one to break my dry spell of loneliness, but first I have to break it to him that he's worthy of love to. And I'm going to do that by showing just how wicked I can be.

He could be the one to break my dry spell, I just need to show him how good it feels to be wicked.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 114 Pages
  • File Size: 2,767 KB

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