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Protect the Queen (The Aces Motorcycle Club Book 3)


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My dad is the prosecutor,
And he was supposed to be spending time with me during my break from college,
But obviously he's too busy for that.
Until some guys come rushing through the front door ready to take my life.
A biker shows up and steals me away.
He takes me to a safehouse and hides me from everyone else.
The grumpy man doesn't want to talk to me.
My dad won't answer my phone calls.
And I've got a really bad feeling about the questions my rescuer doesn't want to answer.


My job with the club is simple- treasurer.
It lets me stay away from people as much as possible,
Which is exactly how I like it.
When I get a call that a girl is in danger, I don't hesitate.
I rush in to save her.
Unfortunately, she's the only one left to save.
She's all alone now,
And it's my job to protect her-
From the truth, from herself, from her grief.
But I have no idea how things can go back to normal after all this.

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  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • File Size: 407 KB

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